How can I show different content for different users?


Is it possible to create "user areas"?
We would like our customer A to see all our general documentation plus articles specific to company A, customer B to see all general documentation plus articles specific to company B (but not A) and so on.


Yes, this is possible. You do it using roles and private categories.

Set up roles and categories

First, create roles for the each company:

Next, create private categories:

Create a general category:

Create your articles

Everything is now set up.

What users see

Once this is done, users from Company A can log on and read all User Manual articles, plus all Company A articles.

While a user from Company B sees:

Article ID: 234
Last updated: 16 Aug, 2019
Revision: 4
HowTo, Tips & Tricks -> KBPublisher -> How can I show different content for different users?