Account Security

In the Security section of your personal profile page, you can set up multi-factor authentication, change your current password, and delete your account.

Setting up Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is an authentication method that helps protect access to your data by adding an extra layer of security. To use MFA, you must have an Authenticator app on your smartphone. The app helps securely verify your identity so only you can access your data in the knowledgebase.

In the Multi-Factor Authentication area, you can do the following:

To enable MFA, perform these steps:

Now each time you log in to the knowledgebase, type a new code from your mobile Authenticator app.

Changing Password

To change your current password, perform these steps:

Depending on your knowledgebase settings, after you change your password, you may have to log in again by using your new password.

Deleting Account

To delete your account, perform these steps:

After your account is deleted, all data in the account will be also permanently deleted.

Article ID: 496
Last updated: 9 Feb, 2024
Revision: 1
User Manual v8.0 -> Users -> My Account -> Account Security