To add a new user
- Click on the Users menu
- Click on Add New.
Once you are on the Users screen you must complete the following sections:
- Give the user a First Name and a Last Name
- Add their Email
- Give them a Username. If you prefer, you can set their email as their user name.
- Set up a Password
The following items are optional:
- Assign a Privilege. If you do not assign a privilege the user will have standard read access to the public area.
- To classify the user, and provide another level of access, include a Role.
- You can include extra user details such as a Middle Name, Phone and Company
- You can add comments about the user or registration
- You can automatically subscribe them so that they receive changes to news, articles or files
- To give the user immediate access to the system, make this user Active
- To send an email to the user after then that their user ID has been created, check Notify User.
You can find out more about each of these fields on the User screen and how they work in the User Screen Explained
Once your user has been set up:
- If you have a number of users to add from another database, say, you may want to import users instead of adding them
- Or you may choose to allow users to register, which effectively allows them to create their own user.