Knowledge Base Made Simple!

KBPublisher is Knowledge Management Software. It reduces the need for customer support, improves staff productivity, and eliminates time wasted searching for information.

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How Can KBPublisher Help You?

Use it to share knowledge. Publish and manage articles, white papers, user manuals, business processes, FAQs, online help, APIs, or any other type of information.

KBPublisher as a self-support tool

Better Customer Support

KBPublisher can help you give customers the answers they need and resolve issues quickly and efficiently.

Lower your operational costs with our knowledge management software, which reduces call volume and allows you to serve more customers.

  • Improve efficiency
  • Resolve problems quickly
  • Help customers self-serve
  • Reduce call volume
  • KBPublisher as an internal knowledge base

    Improved Employee Support

    Our knowledge base software can help your employees acquire job knowledge faster, reducing training time, and driving higher performance and job satisfaction.

    It also prevents knowledge from leaving when an employee transfers or leaves.

  • Faster training time
  • Higher job quality
  • More retained knowledge
  • Improved productivity
  • Centralized Knowledge Repository

    Centralized Knowledge Repository

    A knowledge base improves staff productivity and eliminates time wasted searching for information.

    Store information for customer support, company intranet, employee training, and more with our secure knowledge management software.

  • Create a user manual
  • Publish policies and procedures
  • Manage project documents
  • Provide training materials
  • Want to discover all the features?

    Take a Tour

    What are people saying about KBPublisher?

    • I've been really happy with KBPublisher. My subscribers greatly appreciate being able to search efficiently and finding what they need to know... It's great to be able to list posts in several categories, that's very important. Also, the related article attachment is very cool. I got it up and running and functioning easily and your prompt support helped with some customizations.

      Christine Baker

    • I only wish I had found it first, as it would have saved me a lot of time and effort, however having tried so many, I can honestly say how much more I appreciate the KB Publisher system over the others.

      Darian A. Caplinger
      Webmaster, PATHwHelp, Inc.

    • First of all, very very nice work! It's just the program I was looking for a long time. Just a nice and simple and functional knowledge base program. The program is 100% fine!

      Dion Dohmen

    • I'm looking for a Knowledge Base for one year! I've tried a lot of them may be 30, but never found you. All of the KBs I tried had a lot of problems and do not suit our needs. I had already given up, but a few days ago, luckily I found KBPublisher! I tried it, and I love it!!!! Thank you so much, you have an excellent product, and I don’t know how I had never met it.

      Paulo Ventura
      Amazing SA

    • We have been very pleased with KBPublisher and it has been extremely useful for our support staff. Even more important, our customers love using it.

      Mike Wong
      VP Marketing, onOne Software, Inc.

    Ready to build your own Knowledge Base online?

    Try KBPublisher Free