Knowledge Base

How to enable Sphinx Search

Article ID: 437
Last updated: 22 Oct, 2021

Sphinx is a full-text search engine that provides fast and relevant full-text search functionality. 
Key Sphinx features are:

  • high indexing and searching performance;
  • advanced indexing and querying tools (flexible and feature-rich text tokenizer, querying language, several different ranking modes, etc.);
  • proven scalability up to billions of documents, terabytes of data, and thousands of queries per second.

Steps to enable Sphinx Search

  • Download and install Sphinx on your machine, supported version is Sphinx 2.2.11 - 2.3.2, 3.1 - 3.3
  • Go to KBPublisher Admin Area
  • Click Settings -> Plugins -> Sphinx Search tab
  • Check Enable Sphinx Search checkbox
  • Click Save

Sphinx Settings 

  • Enable Sphinx Search - On, or Off Sphinx (if Sphinx is Off - search is performed by MySQL full text)
  • Test Mode - if you wish to test Sphinx, you can firstly set it in a test mode. Sphinx search will be activated only by putting 'sphinx:' in front of your query, e.g. sphinx:banana
  • Host - Sphinx daemon host (default is
  • Port - Sphinx daemon port (any free port, default is 9306)
  • Bin path - a directory where Sphinx is installed. You can leave it empty, but if your system does not recognize Sphinx command without path than - you should fill it, e.g. /usr/local/bin/
  • Data path - a directory where all Sphinx related files will be stored. Defaults to KBP cache directory, but you can change it. It should be writable by Scheduled Task (cron) user.
  • Version - a version number of Sphinx which you use on the computer.
  • Languages - set it to your language, if you have documents in another languages, select the available from the drop down list.  

Essential facts for Sphinx Search

  • All Sphinx tasks are executed by frequently scheduled task (cron)
  • Search index is updated every 5 minutes

Sphinx Search Logs 

  • You can monitor how Sphinx works, what tasks are executed, what is indexed, what is added to index, etc. in Logs -> Sphinx tab
Article ID: 437
Last updated: 22 Oct, 2021
Revision: 8
Access: Public
Views: 2189
Comments: 0