Knowledge Base

Setting up Social Site Authentication

Article ID: 454
Last updated: 29 Apr, 2019

Use Facebook, Google, Yandex, or VC authentication to log into KBPublisher, and your users will be spared from remembering another password.

The system uses the email address supplied by these services to match with an existing user in KBPublisher. If no such user is found, a new user is created.

Enabling Social Logins

  1. As a user with administrator privileges, go to Settings > Authentication Provider.
  2. On the Social tab, check Enable ... checkbox for required social site.
  3. Provide required ID and Secret Key for the social site.
  4. Click Save / Debug to verify that it works.
  5. Click Save to enable social logins for checked social sites.
  6. Go to your KB login screen to test real social login.

Where can I get social site ID and Secret Key?

See corresponding social site documentation for details.

Article ID: 454
Last updated: 29 Apr, 2019
Revision: 3
Access: Public
Views: 2767
Comments: 0
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