Knowledge Base

Tags in Public Area

Article ID: 380
Last updated: 4 Nov, 2014

The 3 uses of tags in the Public Area 

  • While viewing an article you can see all assigned tags below an article.
    Click on a tag to display all articles with this tag. This function is the same for the News section.
  • The Tags section will list all tags.
    Click a tag to be be redirected to search section displaying all articles with this tag.
  • In Advanced Search you can search the knowledgebase by tags.
    - Type keywords in Keywords field, you can type several keywords separated by comma
    - In Search In choose Articles (tags, keywords) or Files (tags, keywords) or News (tags, keywords)
    - Click Search and KBPublisher will search in articles, files, or news respectively.
Article ID: 380
Last updated: 4 Nov, 2014
Revision: 1
Access: Public
Views: 3373
Comments: 0