Knowledge Base

Category types

Article ID: 116
Last updated: 21 Jul, 2019

Category type controls how articles in this category are displayed in the public view.
There are four category types.


The Standard (default) type displays a list of articles, along with one or two lines of text.
If the category has sub-categories, these are displayed above the list.



The book type displays items as a table of contents.


Quick FAQ

The Quick FAQ type displays all articles in the category on the same page.


Quick FAQ (interactive)

While the Quick FAQ (interactive) type displays all articles in the category on the same page as well, but with only the titles displayed initially. Click on the title to display the article, click on it again to hide it. 

Article ID: 116
Last updated: 21 Jul, 2019
Revision: 5
Access: Public
Views: 17631
Comments: 0
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