Knowledge Base

Edit news item

Article ID: 244
Last updated: 16 Nov, 2013

To edit a news item, including changing the date, changing the text, schedule and whether an article is published or not published and private or not private:

  • Choose News menu
  • Click the Options icon under Actions to display the dropdown list, and then click Edit.

You can find out more about each of these fields and how they work in The News Screen Explained.

If you wish to simply change the news item to published or not published:

  • Choose News menu
  • Check or uncheck the Status option.

You can also use the bulk update option to set a news item as private/not private and published/not published or to delete it. Using this feature, you can update more than one news item at a time.

This functionality works in version 3.5 and above

Article ID: 244
Last updated: 16 Nov, 2013
Revision: 1
Access: Public
Views: 7576
Comments: 0
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