Knowledge Base

Enable searching in files

Article ID: 224
Last updated: 1 Mar, 2018

Text-based file searching/indexing (txt, html, etc.) is enabled by default. If you want to include searching PDF or Word documents then you need to do the following.

Searching in PDFs

 To enable search in PDFs you need to:

  • Install a program called xpdf
  • Ensure Settings points to where you installed it
  • Ensure that PHP has access to your xpdf directory. (Check your open_basedir PHP setting in php.ini)
  • Ensure that PHP can run the system  function.  (Check your disable_functionssafe_mode_exec_dir PHP settings in php.ini)

Install xpdf

Update the setting to point to xpdf

Once you have installed xpdf, you also need to set the correct path it in the Settings.

  • You can find this under Settings menu, Settings -> Admin -> XPDF installation path
  • Make sure that this points to the directory where you installed xpdf. For example: /usr/local/bin/ or c:/wwwroot/xpdf/
  • Set this to 'off' to de-activate this option.
  • When you click "Save", test pdf file will be parsed/indexed and error occurs if it failed. 

Test xpdf from command line

Test to see if xpdf is working by running the following command from the command line:

$ /path_to_xpdf/pdftotext -raw file_read.pdf file_write.txt;

Test  xpdf from command line using PHP and included test file:

$ cd /path/to/kbp_directory
$ php -r "system('/path_to_xpdf/pdftotext -raw admin/extra/file_extractors/extract_test.pdf file_write.txt');"

Searching in Word 2007/2010, Excel 2007/2010 or Open Office document files

To enable search in .docx, .xslx and .odt documents you need to:

  • Install a PHP Zip extension if you do not have one
  • You can see if you have it installed in Home -> Setup Tests tab  in your KBPublisher installation

Searching in Word 2003 and below files

 To enable search in Word documents you need to:

  • Install either catdoc or Antiword
  • Ensure Settings points to where you installed it
  • Ensure that PHP has access to your catdoc directory. Check your open_basedir PHP setting in php.ini.
  • Ensure that PHP can run the exec function.  Check your disable_functionssafe_mode_exec_dir PHP settings in php.ini

Install catdoc

Install Antiword

Update the setting to point to catdoc

Once you have installed catdoc, you also need to set the correct path it in the Settings.

  • You can find this under Settings menu, Settings -> Admin -> catdoc installation path
  • Make sure that this points to the directory where you installed catdoc. For example: /usr/local/bin/ or c:/wwwroot/catdoc/
  • When you click "Save", test pdf file will be parsed/indexed and error occurs if it failed. 

Test catdoc from command line

Test to see if catdoc is working by running the following command from the command line:

$ /path_to_catdoc/catdoc -w file_read.doc;

Test catdoc from command line using PHP and included test file:

$ cd /path/to/kbp_directory 
$ php -r "system('/path_to_catdoc/catdoc -w admin/extra/file_extractors/extract_test.doc');"

Test antiword from command line

Test to see if antiword is working by running the following command from the command line:

$ /path_to_ antiword/antiword -t file_read.doc;

Test antiword from command line using PHP and included test file:

$ cd /path/to/kbp_directory 
$ php -r "system('/path_to_ antiword/antiword -t admin/extra/file_extractors/extract_test.doc');"

Turning PDF or Word search off

If you don't want to allow searching on PDF or Word documents, change the setting in XPDF installation path or catdoc installation path to OFF

Article ID: 224
Last updated: 1 Mar, 2018
Revision: 9
Access: Public
Views: 19701
Comments: 3
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