Knowledge Base

The Lists Tab Explained

Article ID: 172
Last updated: 25 Oct, 2017

The Lists tab under the Tools menu allows you to:

  • Manage article statuses
  • Manage file statuses
  • Control article types
  • Manage user statues
  • Manage feedback subjects
  • Manage rating comments statuses

Article and file statuses

KBPublisher has three default article and file statuses: Published, Not published and Outdated.

Use the Lists tab to add new statuses and modify existing ones. You control:

  • The name of the status
  • The color denoting that status
  • Description
  • Where the status appears in the list of statuses
  • Whether the status is active
  • Whether or not this status is published (which means users can see it),

Add new article status tells you how to add a new status for an article.

Article types

Article types are used to group records for searching, to provide default template for the articles and to control the display of the type.
Add new article type explains how to create new article types.

User statuses

KBPublisher has four default user statuses: Active, Pending (approval required), Not active / Suspended and Unconfirmed.

Use the Lists tab to create new user statuses and modify existing ones. You control:

  • The name of the status
  • The color denoting that status
  • Description
  • Where the status appears in the list of user statuses
  • Whether the status is active.

Feedback subjects

There is an option on the Ask a Question screen that allows the user to specify a feedback subject from a drop-down list. You define these feedback subjects on the Lists tab. You control:

  • The title, which is what the user picks from the feedback subject list
  • Description
  • Who gets the feedback question (i.e. the specified supervisor)
  • Color associated with this feedback subject
  • Order it appears in the list
  • Whether the feedback subject is active.

Article feedback status

Rating comments have four intially-defined statuses: New, Ignore, In progress and Processed.  You control:

  • The name of the status
  • The color denoting that status
  • Description
  • Where the status appears in the list of statuses
  • Whether the status is active.
Article ID: 172
Last updated: 25 Oct, 2017
Revision: 7
Access: Public
Views: 9081
Comments: 0
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