Knowledge Base

Add a new custom field

Article ID: 342
Last updated: 1 Feb, 2017

To add a new custom field

  • Click on Tools ->  Custom Fields tab
  • Click on the Article, File or other tab
  • Click Add New
  • Choose your field type by clicking on one of the field types.
  • Categories
    If you are adding the field to articles or files, you will then be taken to the Categories tab and prompted for a category. Add any categories where the field is to be displayed. If you want the field displayed in all categories, leave this blank
  • Click Form Options tab
  • Add the name of the field to the Title field
  • Add a tooltip if required
  • Check Mandatory if you want to force the user to fill in this field
  • Check Active if the field is to be used immediately i.e. if you want the field to appear on the screen
  • Click on the Ranges tab
  • Click on Set Range
  • If you wish to use an existing range click Assign to assign the range
    If you wish to create a new range,click Add New and [add the new range], then click Set Range to assign the range to the custom field
  • Click on the Display Options tab
  • Use the drop-down Display field to choose where the field is to be displayed on the screen.
    Note that when you enter the field as part of creating the article, it is always displayed under the article content. This display field define where the text is displayed in the Public area
  • If you wish you can also add some text around the field by adding it to the HTML Template. For example if your custom field is 'Department' and the value you input is 'Sales' then:
    {title}: {value} - displays Department: Sales
    Welcome to the {value} team - displays Welcome to the Sales team
    Note that this extra text is not displayed if you have chosen 'Hidden, not displayed in Public Area' as the display option
  • If you wish your visitors will be able to search in this field check Display in search checkbox 
  • Click Save to create the field.


  • If you have existing articles or files, then you will be given the option to add a default value to those items. If you wish to add a default value, select the value and click Add Values.

Bulk actions available depend on your user access.
For example if your privilege does not allow you to delete items, or allows you to only delete articles that you have created, then there is no 'Delete' action in the list of options. If your privilege does not allow you to update items, or allows you to only update items you have created, then this menu will not be available for you at all.

Article ID: 342
Last updated: 1 Feb, 2017
Revision: 3
Access: Public
Views: 5363
Comments: 0