Knowledge Base

Search in custom fields

Article ID: 348
Last updated: 28 Jul, 2019

You can search for data in both the Public Area and in the Admin Area.

To search in the Public Area

  • Click on Advanced Search
  • Select a type (Article or Files)
  • Click Extra Options section which contains all the custom fields

To search in the Admin Area

  • Click on Articles (if field is under Articles, or Files, News or Feedback if field is under, respectively, files, news or feedback)
  • Click on the [+] button to the left of the search area

This brings up a list of all custom fields for articles (or files/news/feedback)

The list of custom fields display by default is custom fields that are included in all categories.  If you want custom fields that are listed only in a specific category, select the category

Once you have your list of custom fields

  • If necessary, choose a category.
    Categories default to 'all' and will also search in sub-categories if you use the default options
  • Choose which field you wish to search on, and choose which data you wish to search for
    • If the field is a multi-choice field you will be presented with a list of drop-down values to select from
    • If the field is a checkbox, you will be able to check the value to choose items with that flag set
    • If the field is a text field, you will be able to type text into the field to search on

    and so on.

  • Click Search to start the search.

This brings up a list of all articles with that particular custom field value.

Some working examples for search

Let's say you have a knowledgebase set up as follows:

Article Category Custom field Valid values for custom field Custom field defined at category level Value in custom field
Teach yourself Photoshop Product Extras DVD
Nerds Rule Product Extras DVD
No T-shirt
How to Make Cards Product Extras DVD
No -
Our London Office Branches Retail shop Yes
Yes Yes
Our Paris Office Branches Retail shop Yes
Yes Yes
Extras DVD
No T-shirt

No valid value has been set for the article How to make cards. Also, Extras can be defined anywhere.

  • If you click on search without defining any further parameters this brings back a list of all articles which contain values in any custom field, hence it would return:
    • Teach Yourself Photoshop
    • Nerds Rule
    • Our London Office
    • Our Paris Office
  • If you select T-shirt in the Extras custom field, and then click on search (still not having defined any further parameters, or using All), this will bring back:
    • Nerds Rule
    • Our Paris Office
  • If you select T-shirt in the Extras custom field, and choose the Product category, this will bring back:
    • Nerds Rule
  • If you choose T-shirt in the Extras custom field, and Yes in the Retail Shop field, and search all levels, then your search will return:
    • Nerds Rule
    • Our London Office
    • Our Paris Office

This last is because it will search for either field, rather than both fields.

Article ID: 348
Last updated: 28 Jul, 2019
Revision: 12
Access: Public
Views: 4153
Comments: 0