Knowledge Base

Article comments

Article ID: 58
Last updated: 14 Feb, 2020

SaComments allow readers to give feedback on articles.

You can read comments in the public view, or if you have admin access you can also see them from the comments tab in the knowledgebase.

To add a comment:

  • Open the article to read it
  • On the right click on More icon in the float panel on the right.
  • This brings up the screen to choose an action. Click on the Add Comment icon.
  • This brings up the screen to add a comment. Type in your comment. Type it in as plain text. Do not include HTML.
  • If you wish to be notified when someone else adds a comment to this article, check Subscribe
  • Unless the system administrator has changed the settings, you will then need to type in a confirmation code. Type the code exactly as you see it. Match upper and lower case.
  • Click Send.

Your comment is displayed beneath the article.
By default, it is displayed immediately, but this can be changed in the settings to require approval first.

Article ID: 58
Last updated: 14 Feb, 2020
Revision: 4
Access: Public
Views: 9424
Comments: 0
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