Knowledge Base

How can I add embedded video to an article?

Article ID: 333
Last updated: 21 Nov, 2017

Use Insert Video button in HTML editor

Upload the file to the server using the Video button in HTML editor

  • Click on Video icon  in HTML editor toolbar
  • Upload video or choose from server 
  • Fill required fields 
  • Click OK

Use Insert/Edit button in HTML editor

Upload the file to the server using the Insert/Edit link in HTML editor

  • Click on Insert/Edit icon
  • Click on the Upload tab
  • Browse server to find your file

Change the HTML source code to point to the video

  • Click on the Source button in the HTML editor to update the HTML
  • Replace the video link that you just created from:
    <a href="/kb_upload/file/video.mp4">/kb_upload/file/video.mp4</a>

    <video width="320" height="240" controls="controls">
        <source src="/kb_upload/file/video.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
        Your browser does not support the video tag.

    Where video.mp4 is the name of your video file.  Use your own width and height values to suit, or you can remove the width and height altogether, or use only width or only height.

    For further information, see the W3C video tag specification.
Article ID: 333
Last updated: 21 Nov, 2017
Revision: 13
Access: Public
Views: 3846
Comments: 0