Knowledge Base

Incoming email automation (automated task)

Article ID: 449
Last updated: 29 Apr, 2019

Incoming email automation allows you to parse your email box and create articles, drafts, or news from emails.

Create or update an automation

To create a new automation for incoming email, click Tools -> Automations -> Incoming Mail tab, then click the + (Add new) icon.
To update an existing automation, click Tools -> Automations -> Incoming Mail tab, click the [...] icon on the right and choose Edit from the dropdown menu.

Complete the form in the following manner:

  • Title - Provide a descriptive title for this automation. It should not be the same as the title of an existing automation.
  • Email Box - Choose or set up a new email box to be parsed.
  • Conditions - You must have at least one condition that the automation checks each time it runs. You can have multiple conditions. Set the automation to perform its actions if any or all of the conditions are true. Add a condition by clicking the + button. Remove a condition by clicking its - button.
  • Actions - If the automation finds that the conditions in the previous field are met, it performs the actions you set here. You can have multiple actions. Add an action by clicking the + button. Remove an action by clicking its - button.
    • Create Article Draft - If you choose this action, an article draft will be created. You also can specify whether to send for approval or not by checking "Send for approval" checkbox.
    • Create Article - If you choose this action, an article will be created.
    • Create News - If you choose this action, a news will be created.
    • Stop Evaluating Tasks - Mail stops applying rules to a message when it encounters the Stop Evaluating Tasks action.
  • Active - Select to activate this automation. It will run daily until deactivated.

Click Save to save the automation. Click Cancel to abandon your edits and close the form.

Important: An active automation will run daily.

Create or update an Email Box

To create a new Email Box or update an existing one, you first must navigate to the Email Box list. Click Tools -> Automations -> Incoming Mail tab, then click [...] icon on the right and choose Email Boxes. A list of all available email boxes will appear.

To create new box, click the + button in the top right corner and fill the form.
To update an existing box click [...] in the list and choose Edit from dropdown menu.

Complete the form in the following manner:

  • Title - Provide a title for the Email Box.
  • Hostname - Provide a host name.
  • Port - Provide a port. The default IMAP port is 143, or 993 when SSL/TLS is enabled.
  • SSL - Check this checkbox to use SSL.
  • Mailbox - Provide a mailbox name. The default is INBOX.
  • User - Provide a username.
  • Password - Provide a password.
  • Max message count - This is the maximum number of messages to process in one task. If this number is exceeded, the mailbox will be skipped.

Click Save to save the Email Box. Click Cancel to abandon your edits and close the form.

Article ID: 449
Last updated: 29 Apr, 2019
Revision: 3
Access: Public
Views: 1244
Comments: 0
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