Knowledge Base

Installing KBPublisher manually

Article ID: 114
Last updated: 18 Mar, 2015

If you don't want to install KBPublisher using the install wizard, you can install it manually as follows:

  1. Unpack the distribution package.
  2. Place the distribution package somewhere in your web server's document root, preferably the parent directory of your root web directory. For many systems, this will be the public_html directory.
  3. By default, the distribution package is in a folder called kb, and this link will be included in the URL of the knowledgebase. For example, the default URL of the knowledgebase will be www.your_domain/kb/, where your_domain is your domain name.
    You can rename the 'kb' folder as you wish. If, for example, you rename the folder to 'kbbase' and place it in the document root directory, the URL for the knowledge base will be www.your_domain/kbbase/.
  4. Create an empty MySQL database to be used by KBPublisher, or use an existing database.

    To create a new database run the following commands in the MySQL console:

    CREATE DATABASE db_name [DEFAULT] CHARACTER SET [=] charset_name | [DEFAULT] COLLATE [=] collation_name;
    GRANT ALL ON db_name TO 'username'@'host' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';


    mysql> CREATE DATABASE kbp DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
    mysql> GRANT ALL ON kbp TO 'me'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'xda44f54fddGHRECT';
  5. Create your directory structure:
    1. Create a directory to store files users upload with the File option. We recommend that you name the directory kb_file and place it somewhere outside your document root directory. It should not be accessible to web browsers via http.
    2. Create a directory to store files users upload through the HTML editor. We recommend that you name the directory kb_upload and place it in document root directory.
    3. Create a directory to store cache files. We recommend that you name it kb_cache and place it somewhere outside your document root directory. It should not be accessible via http (web browser).

      The structure of directories should look like this:

  6. If you are installing a new version of KBPublisher:
    • Create tables using the db dump file at kb/setup/db/install.sql.
    • Create an admin user using the file at kb/setup/db/create_user.sql.
  7. If you are upgrading from a previous version of KBPublisher:
    • Back up your existing database before upgrading!
    • Use the DB dump file kb/setup/db/upgrade_[version]_to_[version].sql.
  8. Configure your kb/admin/ configuration file.

    If you installed KBPublisher in document_root/kb/ directory:
    $conf['admin_home_dir'] = '/kb/admin/';
    $conf['client_home_dir'] = '/kb/';

    If you installed KBPublisher in document_root directory:
    $conf['admin_home_dir'] = '/admin/';
    $conf['client_home_dir'] = '/';
  9. In some cases you have to configure your kb/index.php file to set the correct path for the admin directory and the kb/rss.php, kb/captcha.php files to set the correct path to the kb installation directory. Normally these will work without any modifications.
  10. Give your kb_upload, kb_file, kb_cache directory full write permissions.
    In unix you can type "chmod 777 ". On Windows you must go through your webserver to give it write permissions.
  11. Set up scheduled tasks to enable scheduling, reporting and subscriptions.
  12. You're done.

    The public area screen will be available at www.your_domain/kb/
    The admin area will be available at www.your_domain/kb/admin/

    Login: admin
    Password: demo

  13. Log in to KBPublisher and select the Settings tab to configure settings.
    Make sure you set the correct email address at Setting -> Email .
  14. Read the FAQ
Article ID: 114
Last updated: 18 Mar, 2015
Revision: 9
Access: Public
Views: 25193
Comments: 4
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