Knowledge Base

KBPublisher v3.0 release notes

Article ID: 215
Last updated: 6 May, 2008

Version 3.0 of KBPublisher is now available.

What's new in KBPublisher 3.0 

Category role based access

  • Able to make any category private so that users must log on to read
  • Able to assign roles for a category so that only users with assigned roles will have access to entries in that category.

Entry role based access

  • Able to make any entry private so that users must log on to read
  • Able to assign roles for the entry so that only users with assigned roles will have access to these entries.

Files browsing

  • Files are now browsable the same way as articles
  • Files area can be used as a download area of the knowledgebase.

Search in files

  • Able to search the content of files
  • Support for pdf, txt and html.

User roles

  • User roles allow you to set up role based access, or you can use it just to organize users
  • Roles are organized as a tree.

User privileges

  • You can now create as many user privileges as you want.

User/member module rewritten

  • Now any user can have access to both the Public area and Admin area (if they have appropriate privileges), no more double login required.

Category display type

  • Three category display types. Browsable (default), Book or Quick FAQ
  • Book - ideal for user manuals, etc.
  • Quick FAQ - all articles displayed in one page. Ideal for FAQ sections of the knowledgebase.

Different menu type

  • No menu
  • Left Tree menu
  • Left "FollowOn" menu

Article type

  • Able to create and assign type for articles. Any type can have its own template
  • Able to display article type on public site with article title. e.g. 123 - INFO: Article title

Article templates

  • Customizable article templates.

Update article link

  • A link in the public area to update the article if the user has privileges
  • Full and Quick update modes.

Remote authentication / LDAP authentication

  • Able to integrate your organization's authentication system with KBPublisher.


  • Article approval flow
  • File approval flow
  • User approval flow
  • User companies
  • Search by article ID in public area
  • More filter options in articles Admin Area
  • Editable article statuses
  • Editable file statuses
  • Editable user statuses
  • Editable Feedback subjects


  • Code optimization for faster response times.

Article ID: 215
Last updated: 6 May, 2008
Revision: 1
Access: Public
Views: 8206
Comments: 0
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