Knowledge Base

KBPublisher v3.0.1 release notes

Article ID: 216
Last updated: 7 Sep, 2008

KBPublisher release 3.0.1 fixed several issues found in KBPublisher Release 3.0 and added some new features.


  • "Date_posted" is no longer a required field when importing articles
  • Glossary entries are now sorted alphabetically in the Public Area
  • Curly braces ({}) are not stripped in articles
  • Article Author and Updater displayed in form view (edit) and in list view as tool-tip
  • Extra actions added in article categories "Bulk Actions" - Set Supervisor, Allow/Disallow Comments and Rating
  • Zero-padding for article IDs in article title prefix
  • FCKeditor upgraded to v2.6.3 (August 5, 2008)


  • Fixed problem where "Quick Edit" did not work if the public area was a secure connection (https)
  • Fixed issue when "updater_id" for article was not changed in "Quick Edit" mode
  • Fixed issue where some pages in "Settings" menu did not work in Safari on Mac OS
  • Fixed issue with incorrect caching for RSS when using Internet Explorer
  • Fixed issue where mod_rewrite worked incorrectly on some servers
  • Fixed issue of extra space being added to external links
  • Fixed issue where glossary definition was empty in Internet Explorer
  • Fixed issue where "Get Files" in Files->Bulk Actions returned files ignoring user input in IE
  • Fixed issue where comments that include single quotes (') raised a database error

Upgrading from v3.0 to v3.0.1

This package is available as both a standard upgrade and as a Modified Files package. Please read here for upgrading instructions.

All downloads available in your client area.

Article ID: 216
Last updated: 7 Sep, 2008
Revision: 1
Access: Public
Views: 10531
Comments: 0
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