Knowledge Base

Change the order articles and files are displayed in

Article ID: 256
Last updated: 3 Dec, 2013

By default, articles and files in Admin Area are displayed in ascending date updated order.  That is, the last article or file updated is at the top of the list, and the first one updated is at the bottom.

Sometimes you want to see the list differently.  You can order by date added (newest date first), date added (oldest date first), date modified (newest date first), date modified (oldest date first) and in alphabetical order.

  • Click on Admin Area if you are in the public area
  • Click on My account, which is in the top right-hand corner of the knowledgebase screen, beneath your login details
  • Click on the Settings tab
  • To change the order that articles are sorted in, choose an appropriate order in Sort Articles By
  • To change the order that files are sorted in, choose an appropriate order in Sort Files By
  • Click Save.

This functionality works in version 3.5 and above

Article ID: 256
Last updated: 3 Dec, 2013
Revision: 3
Access: Public
Views: 5744
Comments: 0