Knowledge Base
Recent Articles
Authentication session stops too often
Problem: Authentication session times out too often or too quickly, or the user can't log in at all and sees the message, "Due to extended inactivity your session has expired." Solution: Try...
19 Jun, 2024
System Requirements
KBPublisher has minimal requirements and should work on any modern server. Client Side: Operating System: Windows, Mac or Linux Web Browser: Internet Explorer 11+ or Chrome, Firefox, Safari. ...
23 May, 2024
KBPublisher v8.0.1 release notes
KBPublisher release 8.0.1 fixed several issues found in release 8.0 Fixed an issue with wrong date updated and updater when exporting from the admin area. Fixed an issue with incorrect export if...
26 Mar, 2024
KBPublisher v8.0 Release Notes
We are proud to announce that the latest version of KBPublisher v8.0 is now available. We have added some much-requested features and have improved existing features. New Modules and Features ...
13 Feb, 2024
How do I change my password?
To change your password: Log in to the knowledgebase Click on My account, which is in the top right-hand corner of the knowledgebase screen Click Security In the Password area, click the...
9 Feb, 2024
The article history screen explained
The History section shows all versions of the article or file. From here you can compare earlier versions with the current one, revert to earlier versions, delete versions, and also download a copy...
9 Feb, 2024
The News Input Screen Explained
The blue line at the top of the screen denotes whether you are adding a new news item or editing an existing one. The Date is the news date displayed on the Public area screen. The Title is...
9 Feb, 2024
API Basics: URL, Methods, Return Formats, Authentication
How to Enable the API By default API is disabled. You can enable it in Settings -> Admin -> Enable API access. Check Secure API connection to configure the API to only accept requests using...
9 Feb, 2024
Add an Article
If you are in the Public area, the quickest way to add an article is via the Manage menu in the top right of your screen: Click on Manage -> Add Article Here If you are in the Admin area,...
9 Feb, 2024
Add News Item
The quickest way to add a news item to use the Shortcuts menu at the top of your screen: Click on the drop-down menu in the top right of the screen and choose Add News . Or you can do it via...
9 Feb, 2024
The Article Input Screen Explained
The article screen is divided into two tabs. The Main tab, which is what you use to create the article, and the Advanced tab, where you set external links, the order of the article inside a category...
9 Feb, 2024
Private Articles
Set up private read, write, and unlisted To restrict whole categories: Edit the article category. Choose Private Read if you wish to restrict who can read the articles in this category or...
9 Feb, 2024
The Public Area Tab Explained
The Public Area tab is the second tab under the Settings menu. The settings here apply to the public view that is, to what users see. Only an administrator can change the settings on this page....
9 Feb, 2024
The Admin Tab Explained
The Admin tab is the first tab under Settings. The fields on this tab control KBPublisher's configuration. Only administrators can change the settings on this tab. You can reduce the number of...
9 Feb, 2024
Add a File
To add a file from your local computer to the server, select Files from the menu bar to display a series of sub-tabs. To link to a file that is already on your server, see Add a local file. To...
9 Feb, 2024
Add a Local File
When you want to add files to the knowledgebase, you can upload files from your local computer, or you can link to files that are already on your server or files located on Amazon S3 server. In...
9 Feb, 2024
Private Files
Set up private read, write, and unlisted To restrict whole categories: Edit the file category. Choose Private Read if you wish to force users to log on and/or to restrict who can see files...
9 Feb, 2024
Setting up SAML SSO Authentication
The following steps assume that you have an account with a supported identity provider. You need to know the SAML Login URL and have the x.509 certificate supplied by your identity provider. You...
9 Feb, 2024
Automatically Add Local Files
The Directory Rules screen allows you to set up the knowledgebase so that KBPublisher automatically checks the specified directory on the server or on Amazon S3 server every day and adds in...
9 Feb, 2024
The file history screen explained
The History screens shows all versions of an file. From here you can compare earlier versions with the current one, revert to earlier versions, delete versions and you can download a copy of a...
9 Feb, 2024
File history
KBPublisher keeps a history of all changes you make to the content of an file. You can view earlier versions and compare them against the current version to see what has changed and you can roll...
9 Feb, 2024
Editing Profile Info
You can view and edit your account info in the Profile section of your personal profile page: To edit your account details, perform these steps: Open the Profile section. Click the Update...
9 Feb, 2024
Viewing Must Read Articles
The Must Read section contains articles that your Administrator set as must-read. When you log in to the knowledgebase, you may receive a notification about articles that you must read. You can...
9 Feb, 2024
Managing Subscriptions
Subscriptions allow you to be notified when: A single article is updated. Any article in the specified category is updated, or when new articles are added to the category. A single file is...
9 Feb, 2024
Managing Notifications
On your personal profile page, in the Notifications section, you can view a list of all notifications that you have received recently. They serve as reminders that you have important information...
9 Feb, 2024