Knowledge Base

Set up required reading (Must Read)

Article ID: 480
Last updated: 22 Oct, 2021

Must Read functionality allows you to set up a mandatory reading requirement. It allows you to make sure that members receive information.

When a member signs on to the KB, they are notified that there is a mandatory reading item, and they are directed to it. After reading the article or news, the staff member acknowledges the new information. The system maintains a list of who has and hasn’t read the Must Read items.

Set an item as "Must Read" (required reading)

To set a Must Read requirement for an item:

  • Create a new article or news item or edit an existing one.
  • If you are in an article, click the "Advanced" tab.
  • Select the "Must Read" checkbox.
  • Fill out Must Read block. For more detail, see the section below.
  • Click Save.

Set multiple items as "Must Read" (required reading)

  • In the articles or news listing, check required articles on the left.
  • From the "Actions with selected" menu at the bottom on the page, choose Set Must Read.
  • Fill out the Must Read block. For more detail, see the section below.
  • Click OK.

Must Read input block explained

  1. Set or unset reading requirements.
    If you update an article set as "Must Read" you have a "Reset read confirmations" option. This resets all read confirmation, which requires assigned users to confirm it again.
  2. Select who should read the article.
    Audience assignment is very flexible: you can assign all users, all staff users (user with privilege), designate specific users, or assign to users based on specific roles or privileges.
  3. Add notes that your users will see with the Must Read notification.
  4. Set if the reading requirement will expire.
    If not checked, Must Read will never expire, and the following rules apply:
    - Users who did not confirm it will get a notification until they confirm it.
    - All new matched users will get a Must Read notification.

    If an expiration date is specified:
    - Users who did not confirm it will get a notification until they confirm it or the expiration date is reached.
    - All new matched users will get a Must Read notification before the expiration date.
  5. Force users to read the article.
    OFF (not checked) - Users are notified about Must Read items at login, but are allowed to read them later.
    ON (checked) - Users are notified about Must Read items at login, and are not allowed to go further until confirming they have read all Must Read items. (Exception: Users are still allowed to go to the Admin Area and their own My Account area.)

Must Read Flowchart

Article ID: 480
Last updated: 22 Oct, 2021
Revision: 1
Access: Public
Views: 376
Comments: 0
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