Knowledge Base

Add an Article

Article ID: 32
Last updated: 9 Feb, 2024

If you are in the Public area, the quickest way to add an article is via the Manage menu in the top right of your screen:

  • Click on Manage -> Add Article Here

If you are in the Admin area, another fast way is to to use the Shortcuts menu at the top of your screen:

  • Click on the Add drop-down menu in the top right of the screen and choose Article.

Or you can do it via the Articles tab.

  • Click on the Articles menu
  • Choose the Articles tab
  • Click on Add New.

Once you are on the article screen you must complete the following sections:

  • Choose where you want the knowledgebase article to be displayed by adding a Category or categories
  • Add a Title. This is the heading displayed on the knowledgebase screens and in any menus/table of contents.
  • Type your article in the Article editing box.

The following items are optional:

  • To help users search within your database, include a Type and Meta Keywords.
  • To optimize web search add Meta Keywords/Tags and a Meta Description.
  • To add links to other web sites, include External links.
  • To add links to other articles in the database, include them as Related articles.
  • To add links to files, include then as Attachments.
  • To help users find the article, add Tags.
  • To force users to log on to read the news item, mark it as Private Read.
    To restrict who can edit the news item, mark it as Private Write.
    To make it available only for users who has a link, mark it as Unlisted.
  • To publish or change to not published at a future date, Schedule it.
  • To force users to read the news item, set up the Must Read option.
  • To say where in the list the article is placed, specify the Order
  • Use the Status field to make the article available to read.

You can find out more about each of these fields and how they work in The Article Screen Explained.

Once your article is complete:

  • Click Save.


  • If you have a number of articles to add from another database, say, you may want to import articles instead of adding them.
Article ID: 32
Last updated: 9 Feb, 2024
Revision: 5
Access: Public
Views: 29584
Comments: 0
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