Knowledge Base

How do I change my password?

Article ID: 107
Last updated: 9 Feb, 2024

To change your password:

  • Log in to the knowledgebase
  • Click on My account, which is in the top right-hand corner of the knowledgebase screen
  • Click Security
  • In the Password area, click the Change Password button.
  • On the page that appears, type Your Current Password if required.
  • In the New Password field, type your new password.
    To learn about password policy rules, click the question icon to the right of the field. You can also generate a random password by clicking the corresponding element.
  • In the Verify Password field, retype the password.
  • Click Save to apply the new password.

Depending on your knowledgebase settings, after you change your password, you may have to log in again by using your new password.

Article ID: 107
Last updated: 9 Feb, 2024
Revision: 4
Access: Public
Views: 7824
Comments: 0