Knowledge Base

Link to another article (related articles)

Article ID: 41
Last updated: 27 Jun, 2023

To embed a link to an article

  • Add or edit the article to which you wish to add the link
  • Highlight the text to be linked
  • Click on the plus icon in Related Articles field or use the Link to article icon  in HTML editor
  • In the popup find an article you wish to link to
  • Click on the Insert icon located in the Action column

To attach a link to an article (Related Articles)

  • Add or edit the article to which you wish to add the link
  • Click on the plus icon in Related Articles field
  • In the popup find the article you wish to link to
  • Click on the Attach icon located in the Action column

To embed a link to a linked article

  • Edit the article to which you wish to add the link
  • Highlight the text to be linked to
  • Under Related Articles click on Link icon, located to the right of the article title


  • When you add a link to another page, the page that you link may also include a link back to this page under the 'Also Read' heading. In the editor, you can turn this on by checking the cross reference checkbox under Related Articles, located to the right of the article title.
Article ID: 41
Last updated: 27 Jun, 2023
Revision: 4
Access: Public
Views: 12895
Comments: 0
Also read