Knowledge Base

KBPublisher v4.0 Release Notes

Article ID: 321
Last updated: 6 Mar, 2011

We are proud to announce that the latest version of KBPublisher (v4.0) is now available. We have added some much-requested features and improved existing ones. 

New modules and features

Version history

  • KBPublisher now keeps a history of all changes you make to the content of an article
  • You can view earlier versions and compare them against the current version to see what has changed
  • You can roll back to earlier versions


  • Recovery data for articles can be autosaved, so that if anything goes wrong, you don't lose your work

Comment notifications

  • New article comments notification for comment posters and for article subscribers, so that you can now be notified when someone posts a  comment on an article

Multiple roles

  • Users can now be assigned to multiple roles
  • We have made it easier to add users to roles

Export (available as a plugin)

  • New export functionality allows you to export all or part of your knowledgebase to PDF or HTML format
  • Ideal if you want to create a user manual or place some of your content elsewhere
  • Visitors can export articles in the Public Area, or admin can export them in Admin Area for specified roles, allowing them to tailor exports to specific audiences


  • You can now import glossary items from an external source

Added support for searching

  • Searching in new file types, including Microsoft Office 2007/2010 documents and Open Office documents

Spy directory feature

  • You can now automatically add files uploaded to the server to the knowledgebase
  • Directories checks daily

Auto Authentication

  • Users logging in via remote authentication can now be set up to log in without without submitting a login form

Logs and statistics

  • Statistics for the knowledgebase, Now you can see which are the most/least viewed articles, how many times a file has been downloaded, which articles users subscribe to, and more
  • Usage statistics are now shown as a graph, as well as in a table
  • New email subscription log shows what mails are scheduled and sent
  • New search log shows what words are used in search queries

Improved items

  • Improved usability for assigning roles for to users, entries and categories
  • Improved rating system. You can now rate using the 5 stars system, rather than just helpful/not helpful
  • Improved rating comments.  Comments can now be added for any rating, not just for negative comments
  • Improved reports. Chart added to reports
  • Added bulk actions for feedback, comments and rating comments
  • Added setting to "Send to friend" letter to be able to set from any FROM email address
  • Added preview feature when editing article


  • Fixed issue with local images (http://...) and pdf generation
  • Fixed issue with wrong "Use SMTP Auth" settings when saving email settings
  • Fixed issue with wrong action/advanced URL in search form when using "by page" navigation


  •  Support for PHP 4 has been discontinued in this release.  Please consider upgrading to PHP 5.


  • Instructions for upgrading your current version can be found here.
  • Please do not use option 3 for the upgrade (replacing modified files only).

Article ID: 321
Last updated: 6 Mar, 2011
Revision: 4
Access: Public
Views: 6931
Comments: 0
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