Knowledge Base

KBPublisher v8.0 Release Notes

Article ID: 503
Last updated: 13 Feb, 2024

We are proud to announce that the latest version of KBPublisher v8.0 is now available. We have added some much-requested features and have improved existing features.

New Modules and Features

File History

  • KBPublisher can now keeps a history of all changes you make to a file.
  • You can compare an earlier version with the current one to see what has changed, revert to earlier versions.

Search Filter

  • Added the ability to quickly filter search results by category, article type, and custom fields.
  • It is fully customizable and can be turned on and off.

Two Factor Authentication

  • Two-factor authentication has been added to help protect data access by adding an extra layer of security. 

Unlisted Option

  • Added an option to mark any article, news or file as "Unlisted"
  • Unlisted item will not appear in any public places (for example, in search results or when browsing the knowledge base).
  • Anyone can access an unlisted item if they know the URL.


  • CKEditor updated to version 4.22.1
  • Added an option to allow or disable simultaneous logins.
  • Added weekday, day options for weekly and monthly subscriptions respectively.
  • Added an option to reset privileges to defaults.
  • Added an option to select the date format.
  • Added an option to embed a pdf file into an article.
  • Added caching for PDF export.
  • API will now use the latest API version if one is not specified.
  • and some other small improvements.

Improved Item

  • The functionality of the account pages in the Personal Account has been improved and the iframe has been removed.
  • Improved the process when a user wants to delete (terminate) an account.

Security Updates

  • Two-factor authentication has been added to help protect data access by adding an extra layer of security.
  • Added an option to customize password requirements.
  • An email will be sent to the user when they select "Remember Me" when logging in.
  • An email will be sent to the user when account information is updated.
  • An email will be sent to the user when their account is deleted.
  • An email will be sent to the administrator when a user account is deleted.


  • Fixed slashes being displayed in search results when Sphinx is enabled.
  • Fixed the importing functionality.


  • KBPublisher 8.0 supports PHP 8.3 and MySQL 8.0.x series.
  • KBPublisher 8.0 requires PHP 8.0 - 8.3 and MySQL 5.0 - 8.0


  • Instructions for upgrading your current version can be found here.
    NOTE: A full upgrade is required for this version. Do not use option 3 for the upgrade (replacing modified files only).
  • IMPORTANT: The API will now use the latest version of the API if a version is not specified in the request.
    You may need to update your API scripts to accommodate this new option. See this article for details.
Article ID: 503
Last updated: 13 Feb, 2024
Revision: 1
Access: Public
Views: 321
Comments: 0
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