Knowledge Base

KBPublisher v7.5 Release Notes

Article ID: 479
Last updated: 22 Oct, 2021

We are proud to announce that the latest version of KBPublisher v7.5 is now available. We have added some much-requested features and have improved existing features.

New Modules and Features

Must Read 

  • Must Read functionality allows you to set up a mandatory reading requirement.
  • To make sure that staff members receive information, we have added a mandatory reading requirement option. When a staff member signs on to the KB they are notified that there is a mandatory reading item and they are directed to it. After reading the article or news, the staff member acknowledges the new information. The system maintains a list of who has and hasn’t read the new policy or procedure.


  • The Notifications Module allows you to display reminders to users.
  • New notification badges appears at the top of the page and all notifications are available on the users' account page.
  • Users can choose to get email and/or in-KB notifications.

Amazon S3 support

  • Added an option which allows you to link Amazon S3 files to your KB.

Search in attachments

  • Added an option allowing search in attachments.
  • When you search all content or search in files, now KBPublisher also search in attachments.


  • CKEditor upgraded to version 4.16.2
  • Added an option that allows you to reset item views (hits). Only an admin user can do this.
  • Added an option to generate Table of Contents on article pages. It uses headings like H1, H2, etc, tags.
  • Added an option which allows users to sort related and attachments lists in articles.
  • Added an option which allows you to set custom menu items visible to logged-in users only.
  • Added an option which allows users to log in with a username or email.
  • Added an option to sort articles alphabetically in the reorder popup screen.
  • Added an option that allows you to exclude glossary item from highlighting.
  • Added an option which lets you choose whether to allow old passwords in Password Rotation.
  • Added API options which allows users to authenticate by link.
  • Added an option allowing you to choose whether to mark an article as updated when you update an article.
  • Added an option which allows custom background colors for icons in the floating article action block.
  • Added a privilege option allowing you to restrict creation categories on top levels.
  • Added an option to set custom AuthContext in the SAML response.
  • Added a feature to monitor files. It goes through all the files and reports if a file is unavailable.
  • Move to Trash option added for Files, News and Users modules.
  • and some other small enhancements.

Improved Items

  • Monthly and Weekly intervals added to content subscription setting.
  • 30 and 60 days options added to Password Rotation Frequency setting.
  • User will get an email if their password has been changed.
  • In Page Template settings you can select from predefined Color Schemes.
  • Tags added to Automations conditions and actions.
  • In email settings, added SMTP debug output in case of error.
  • Bulk Actions now duplicated to the "..." button in the top right corner.
  • CAPTCHA functionality now supports reCaptha v2 and v3.


  • Fixed an issue where you can delete a category even it is used in drafts.
  • Fixed an issue where date published did not change on update and result to multiple subscriptions emails. 
  • Fixed an issue where setting $conf['auth_check_ip'] to 0 was not compatible with SAML authentication.
  • Fixed an issue where if you search on mobile, tooltips hide the first article in the search result.
  • Fixed an issue with missing CSRF token when using Remote auth authentication.


  • KBPublisher 7.5 supports PHP 8.0 and MySQL 8.0.x series.
  • KBPublisher 7.5 requires PHP 7.2.5 - 8.0 and MySQL 5.6.5 - 8.0


  • Instructions for upgrading your current version can be found here.
    NOTE: A full upgrade is required for this version. Do not use option 3 for the upgrade (replacing modified files only).
  • If you use Custom Header and/or Footer, you may need to update your settings. Please verify your KB looks as required after the upgrade.
Article ID: 479
Last updated: 22 Oct, 2021
Revision: 4
Access: Public
Views: 759
Comments: 0
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