Knowledge Base

KBPublisher v6.0.1 release notes

Article ID: 447
Last updated: 3 Jul, 2017

KBPublisher release 6.0.1 fixed several issues found in release 6.0 and added some new features.

  • CKEditor updated to v4.7.1
  • Updated BING API spell suggestion tool to latest version
  • Fixed issue where base href changed links with #/
  • Fixed issue with wrong date range in User Activity Reports
  • Fixed period filter issue in searching
  • Fixed issue with wrong entry id log for login as user
  • Fixed issue with wrong pagination in API search method
  • Fixed double POST issue in IE 11
  • Fixed error messages issue in automation scheduled tasks
  • Fixed issue with articles import tool
  • Added a feature that allows anonymous API users
  • Other small bug fixes

Upgrading KBPublisher

This package is available as both a standard upgrade and as a Modified Files package.
All downloads available in your client area.

  • To upgrade from v6.0 to 6.0.1, you can use "Modified Files package." Please read here for instructions.
  • To upgrade from an earlier version, please read here for instructions.
Article ID: 447
Last updated: 3 Jul, 2017
Revision: 3
Access: Public
Views: 2320
Comments: 0
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