Knowledge Base
Release notes
KBPublisher v3.5 Release Notes
We are proud to announce that the latest version of KBPublisher (v3.5) is now available. It's bigger and better than ever. We have added more features and made it easier to use. New modules and...
19 Dec, 2012
KBPublisher v3.0.1 release notes
KBPublisher release 3.0.1 fixed several issues found in KBPublisher Release 3.0 and added some new features. Enhancements: "Date_posted" is no longer a required field when importing articles ...
7 Sep, 2008
KBPublisher v3.0 release notes
Version 3.0 of KBPublisher is now available. What's new in KBPublisher 3.0  Category role based access Able to make any category private so that users must log on to read Able to assign...
6 May, 2008

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